environmental Impact assessment

Sustainability Appraisal (SA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) are mandatory for many strategies, major projects and spatial plans being developed by public authorities. These processes ensure that development is sustainable and the likely impacts are understood, addressed and accounted for in decision-making. SA and SEA must comply with international, European and UK legislation. Inadequate SA/SEA can be subject to legal challenge, delaying the adoption of plans, adding costs and posing reputational risks. Moreover, they can sometimes be seen as adding little value. We have supported and advised public authorities across the UK who tell us, time and again, that we have helped them to turn a legal requirement into a useful and effective tool for improved plan-making.

In support of the SA/SEA process, we also advise clients on a range of other key appraisal and assessment services, including GIS, Habitats Regulations Assessment, Environmental Impact Assessment, Health Impact Assessment, Equalities Impact Assessment, Rural Proofing and indicator development.


Economic Impact


Low Carbon Economy