Public Dialogues
We have carried out a dozen evaluations of public deliberative dialogue processes around complex and contentious science and technology issues. Topics have included environmental issues (flood risks, carbon capture and storage, managing nuclear waste, developing a National Food Strategy), health and wellbeing issues (genetic modification, genomics, nano technologies, wellbeing) and data sharing (online targeting, biometrics). Many of our reports are available at the Sciencewise UK (UKRI) website which co-funds public dialogues. We have also evaluated public dialogues for Scottish Water, Royal Society and Ada Lovelace.
Developing Frameworks
We have worked with the Humanitarian Leadership Academy during their first three years to develop their Theory of Change and design and implement their MEAL strategy. We have also produced case studies of different aspects of their work and carried out an independent evaluation of the complex Alert and Ready Communities (ARC) programme in the Philippines on behalf of funders. The evaluation learnt lessons about collaborating with local government and NGOs to equip tens of thousands of community and business first responders with humanitarian skills for responding and rebuilding when disaster strikes.
Program Evaluation
We have carried out three independent evaluations of Chain Reaction Research programmes in Latin America and Indonesia for CRR’s funders Norad and Hewlett Foundation. CRR is a partnership of northern and southern NGOs and journalists working to combat climate change and deforestation. Our evaluations have focused in on how CRR’s work exposing real-time sustainability and financial risks of deforestation in commodity supply chains – soy and cattle in Brazil and palm oil in Indonesia – helps banks, wholesalers, retailers and customers understand material risks and use their influence to bring about more sustainable farming systems.