Waste & Minerals
Our consultants have carried out an SA incorporating SEA on two Development Plan Documents for Kent County Council. This involved two separate but linked, legally-compliant SA Reports assessing the impacts of waste and minerals Plans and making recommendations for improvements. The SA Reports were updated at several stages of the plan-making process, responding to consultation comments received from stakeholders. Support was provided at the public examination and both plans have been successfully adopted.
We have provided training in formal assessment processes for local authority planning officers and regional partners in many of the UK regions, for the Israel Ministry of Environment on behalf of the European Commission, for the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD’s) financial sector clients and for project developers on SA and specialities within it such as Social Impact Assessment (SIA) and Human Rights Assessment (HRA). We have delivered Master’s degree course modules in SA, SEA, HRA and SFRA to planning students at London Southbank University since 2014.
Independent Assessment
We have been assisting a number of Local Authorities across the UK in the role of independent advisor on SEA of local planning documents such as Core Strategies and Site Allocation Documents undertaken by others. We advise on the methodology and approach to carrying out the work in-house in compliance with legal requirements and good practice, and review and critique the results. On several occasions we have provided support to Local Authorities at Examination in Public.